Friday, April 9, 2010

A Thought of Yesterday

Butch Criswell

When I first started out working as a young man, I pumped gas. The price of a gallon of regular (which we do not have any more) was 13.9 cents, unleaded was 14.9, and Premium was 17.9. You could by a can of oil for fifty cents and diesel was 8.9 per gallon. A lot people used to pay with change, 50 cents would buy you 2-3 gallons and get you home on a Friday night, and very few people had credit cards. Times were different then, simpler more of a slower pace. Now look at me 40 years later, paying over three dollars a gallon, using my credit card for everything, because if you do want to pay cash they look at you funny and it takes them longer top do it. Yep, there is a direct connection to gas and the prices we pay for everything. This is how the world works, this how energy dominates, and this is where renewable hope can bring our country back to a more favorable time when tootsie rolls and double bubble was a penny. Well I can hope big.

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