Friday, April 9, 2010

Earthquakes Not the Cause of Geothermal Drilling

Armistead, T. (2009). Geothermal Projects Not a Seismic Threat. ENR: Engineering News-Record, 2631. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.


Butch Criswell

Geothermal experts are now downplaying that induced seismicity has nothing to do with (EGS) enhanced geothermal systems. Due to a report of a 2.7 magnitude tremor in the city of Landau, Germany, just this last August. The plants officials of Geox GmbH deny their plant had anything to do with the tremor, and are continuing plant operations, while experts slowly and painstakingly look over the data. Dry geothermal is more widely available than normal geo resources, that is way the U.S. Dept. of Energy has on the books 21 research and development programs, and four demonstration facilities. Defenders of the practice say caution is needed, but let us not over react, we have been drilling oil and gas in the deep crust for years successfully. The leader of the MIT report in 2009 given to the DOE explains that what happen Landau is the same thing that happened in Basel. These companies need to understand that, probability studies must include loss of life and property damage. To date there has been no loss of life or property damage in Landau.

1 comment:

  1. Geothermal wells are eco friendly since there is no emissions or fossil fuels burned. Heating, cooling and hot water at a fraction of the cost of fossil fuels.

    Geothermal Wells NH
